How Can a Lactation Consultant Help Me?

How Can a Lactation Consultant Help Me?

Have you typed that question into Google yet? If you haven’t, I’m going to guess you fall into one of these three categories: You think working with a lactation consultant will be awkward.  I get it. I won’t lie to you. Almost ten years ago I had my first baby,...
5 Ways To Wake Up A Newborn Baby For A Feed

5 Ways To Wake Up A Newborn Baby For A Feed

Have you heard the advice, “Never wake a sleeping baby”? Well, this depends on what you’re waking them up for. Waking up your newborn to feed is actually recommended. Your newborn is peacefully sleeping – finally! All too soon the two hour mark comes up and your...
How To Get Your Baby’s Sleep Routine Back On Track

How To Get Your Baby’s Sleep Routine Back On Track

Holidays have a way of disrupting routines. You may be going to bed later, eating at different times, and going out more. During the festive season, babies’ sleep routines are also easily thrown out of whack.  Perhaps Grandma stayed with you and rocked baby to sleep...
How To Get Your Baby To Sleep In Their Crib

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep In Their Crib

Does your baby refuse to sleep in their crib? Do they seem to only want to visit dreamland while on your chest? First of all, it’s totally acceptable and encouraged to let your little one sleep on your chest – this can be amazing for bonding. However, this just isn’t...
Newborn Bedtime Routine To Promote Better Sleep

Newborn Bedtime Routine To Promote Better Sleep

Mama, have you heard this about sleep and newborns? “Babies wake up throughout the night, that’s just how it is.” While newborn babies do wake up in order to feed (in the first month, they’ll feed eight to 12 times a day), you can still do things to promote better...
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