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Navigating early parenthood comes with joys and challenges alike.
We’re here to simplify that overwhelming baby stage!

Gauge Your Grasp On Feeding & Sleep Routines

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How To Reset An Overtired Baby

You’ve had a crazy day and your regular routine had to be thrown out of the window. Your baby skipped their nap and their wake window is getting way too long – now your little one just isn't settling down.  Once your baby is overtired, it can be very tough to get...

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I’m Hillary, the founder of Baby Settler, a mom (of 4!)

I’m also a registered nurse and lactation consultant, and I’m here to help you find your groove and navigate the overwhelming days and nights that can steal the joys of babyhood. Amidst all the chaos, I’ll bring you laughs, support, and a whole bunch of “I’ve got this!” moments.

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The Default Parent (an opinion piece)

The Default Parent (an opinion piece)

I want to start out by saying that I'm blessed to have an incredible partner in my husband. Honestly, there are many times when I sit back and compare myself to him and feel completely inadequate in my role as a wife and mother. He does it all- literally. He is an...

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Establishing a Schedule and Sleep Training

Establishing a Schedule and Sleep Training

Establishing a schedule and sleep training are two of the most highly engaged content pieces on social media when it comes to new moms.  When you google "establishing a schedule" and "sleep training you’ll find that there are a lot of experts in this space. There is...

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The Best Breastmilk Storage Solution

The Best Breastmilk Storage Solution

Finding the best breastmilk storage solution and the early days of motherhood is a Journey! It's usually filled with joy, anxiety, and endless questions especially when it comes to feeding our babies! As soon as I got home from the hospital with my first baby I was...

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The Best Diapers for Your Baby

The Best Diapers for Your Baby

Why choosing the right diaper matters As a mom of four and a medical professional who is in the field of maternal and infant care, I am often asked, "what are the best diapers you recommend?" My journey through motherhood has been a wild ride! It's been filled with...

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How To Enjoy The First Few Weeks With A Newborn

How To Enjoy The First Few Weeks With A Newborn

Are you nearing the fourth trimester with trepidation and a small amount of fear around the newborn phase? Taking care of a new baby isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for merely surviving during this phase. Doing a few things to prepare in your...

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