Babies Made Simple

An online baby sleep course for new or seasoned parents

Babies Made Simple

An online baby sleep course for new or seasoned parents

Feel confident in your ability to understand what your baby needs.

You hear that creating a routine is the key to longer stretches of sleep, but still parents ask all the time…

“How do we follow a schedule when my baby will only nap for 20-30 minutes?”

“My baby won’t nap or sleep without me rocking/soothing to sleep.”

“I can’t get my baby to sleep in the bassinet and not on me. We’ve tried everything!”

The Babies Made Simple course will give you the tools you need to navigate feedings confidently, have a routine you can plan your day around, and have a baby that sleeps “like a baby” at night!

Topics covered include:


Establishing a routine


Hitting “reset” when your baby gets overstimulated


Managing the “witching hour”


Conquer sleep regressions


Getting your baby to sleep through the night!


Drop nighttime feeds


Navigate naps and nighttime wakings


Lengthen short naps (any naps shorter than 30-45 minutes)


Help transition your baby from contact naps to their crib

a one-time payment of $167

“I took The Babies made simple course and it was life altering in the best way possible. Before the course we were up almost every two hours with our baby, now he sleeps consistently 8 to 9 hours a night (since about 10 weeks old). People comment how I lucky I am that he sleeps like this but I try to explain it’s not luck, it is the knowledge and skills I learned from this course and following Hillary on social media. My favorite part about the course is that it is not a Schedule or prescription on what you should be doing, rather it’s an educational course on your baby, feeding, and sleep. As such now when we have a hard night or off day I don’t panic or stress as I know I have the skills to get us back on course.”
– Michelle 

Knowledge is power and confidence.

mom playing with baby girl
2 babies laying together

After this course, you will…


Stop feeling like an open buffet


Have a flexible routine you can count on


Understand how to manage wake-windows


Find you have an independent sleeper!


Know how to wean nighttime feedings


Be getting quality, uninterrupted sleep at night!


Feel encouraged your following current evidence-based research


Never need another infant sleep course


Have avoided the cry-it-out method

“The videos are short, to the point, and answer all the questions you could have and more! From breastfeeding to sleep training she covers everything! My baby is 3 months old and sleeps through the night (12 hours). HIGHLY recommend her courses and the consultation!”


Why Choose the ‘Made Simple’ Series?

Guided by Passion & Expertise

With Hillary as your guide, you’ll tap into her vast experience & knowledge so you can navigate this beautiful season confident, empowered, and grounded in your intuition.

Flexibility at Your Fingertips

Busy with day-to-day “must do’s”? Dive into our Evergreen on-demand videos and downloads whenever it’s convenient for you. You get life-time access, ensuring learning at your pace and you can reference the content any time you need it.

Risk-Free Exploration

Engage for 30 days. If the “Made Simple” series doesn’t amplify your parenthood experience, we ensure a seamless refund.

A few common questions answered…

Can you guarantee success?

While each baby’s specific sleep needs are unique, once parents understand the “why” behind the recommendations, and they consistently implement the strategies and routine covered in the Babies Made Simple course, the success rate for babies sleeping through the night (according to their age) is almost 100%. If you have any questions about this, please email

Can I get more support if needed?

Absolutely! Head over to my consults page to schedule an in-person or virtual consult or get on the waitlist for our online community Baby Settler VIP.

If I’m not a stay at home mom, will this course work for me?

YES! You do not have to be at home 100% of the day, on a rigid schedule for your baby to successfully sleep through the night. This course gives you the tools to be able to navigate daycare, family members caring for your baby, vacations, illness, and everything in between.

On the Blog

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