Breastfeeding Made Simple

You should be able to confidently make decisions & troubleshoot hiccups when it comes to breastfeeding your child.

An online course for breastfeeding MaMas from birth to weaning

“Hillary helped me with an over production of milk, lessening my Mom guilt, giving me back time to be with my new baby and so I wasn’t in constant pain. She helped my husband and I find a flow to give our newborn the best experience we could. The best part, she is not a one way or the highway.”


“The Breastfeeding course was awesome! I took the class just prior to my first baby being born, and definitely felt much more prepared after giving birth. I have gone back and rewatched many parts of the course since I’ve been home with my little guy and it has definitely helped me troubleshoot issues we’ve faced. I am so grateful for this course and highly recommend it!!


Breastfeeding may be natural, but it doesn’t always come easy.

 Almost every mom I’ve met asks themselves one of these questions… Is my baby getting enough? Why am I in pain? Why isn’t my baby latching

Feel confident in knowing what to expect from breastfeeding at birth, through growth spurts and developmental leaps, how to extend nighttime sleep with breastfeeding, and everything in between.

What you’ll get in the course


The Need to Know About Breastfeeding or Pumping 


Breastfeeding at Birth


How do I make breastmilk? Supply and demand explained


When does my milk come in?


Can I bottle and breastfeed?


Breastfeeding difficulties in the first few weeks of life


Sleep regressions: Is breastfeeding the cause?


and more!


Common Questions & Recommendations


Tongue tie, painful latch, & other complications


The HaaKaa and other recommended supplies


Breastmilk. What can I eat and drink?


and more!

Baby Settler helped me with an overproduction of milk, lessening my Mom guilt, giving me back time to be with my new baby and so I wasn’t in constant pain. My husband and I were able to find a flow to give our newborn the best experience we could.

– Jessica

Get breastfeeding support for mom & baby while extending nighttime sleep

Breastfeeding is a journey. In the beginning it can be difficult. And sometimes it works for mama and baby, and sometimes it doesn’t, and that’s okay! Don’t let it be a stressor that steals your JOY!

You’ve either been told breastfeeding is natural, don’t worry or maybe breastfeeding is so hard, I don’t know how women do it.

Breastfeeding Made Simple will guide you through potential complications that can come up and all the options for getting through them (including details about how to supplement with breastmilk or formula, if needed).

I want to breastfeed, but will my baby still sleep through the night? 

Hear this: You can breastfeed and have your baby sleep through the night. Understanding how breastfeeding and “schedules” relate to each other is really important for getting your baby to extend his nighttime sleep.

Hillary (and Baby Settler) was the support I didn’t think existed and the key my family needed to change our newborn experience. Her support, guidance, demeanor are like receiving the hug you need from your Mom, the high five from your friend because you’ve got this and the camaraderie your sister always provides. 

– The Smiths


Take the course


Troubleshoot unexpected hiccups


Feed your baby with evidence-based support

Breastfeeding is a journey. And it’s a journey that should be enjoyable and mutually beneficial for you and your baby.

Want to know more about this course? 


For expectant mothers or mothers who are currently breastfeeding or pumping


Short, easy to digest, on demand videos so you can watch what you actually need, when you need them


Two modules: Education and support from birth through weaning (And everything in between!)


Common questions about “Breastfeeding” explained


Breastfeeding/Pumping support from an International Board Certified Lactation consultant (IBCLC) and MaMa of three (who personally experienced almost every complication out there!)


Access to the course for 18 months


30 day money back guarantee

Still wanting more details?

Can I get more support if needed?

Absolutely! You can schedule a 90-minute face-to-face virtual consult or an in-home consult if you’re local to the Charleston, SC area. 

This class is for parents (and babies) from birth to weaning

And it’s the only breastfeeding course you’ll ever need

Currently (or planning to) Breastfeed or Pump? This course is for you!

Details about breastfeeding and extending nighttime sleep (from an expert who has over 10,000 hours working with breastfeeding mothers and babies)

One more look at the course breakdown


Downloads with breastfeeding positions, supplies, guidelines for milk storage, and more!


2 modules with on-demand, short videos that you can watch when you need them. Access to the content for 18 months.

Module 1: The “Need to Know” About Breastfeeding & Pumping

Module 2: Common Questions & Recommendations


Need more support? 1:1 Face to face consultations offered 

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