Baby Gas And Constipation: What You Should Know

Baby Gas And Constipation: What You Should Know

As a parent, it’s always distressing when your baby is distressed and uncomfortable. Baby gas and constipation can cause extreme fussiness. They can also be interconnected! When your baby is fussy and crying, it can be a challenge to figure out exactly what the...

How To Help Your Baby With Constipation

How To Help Your Baby With Constipation

It can be tough to know whether or not your baby is constipated. This is because you can’t really time their bowel movements! In fact, it’s actually pretty normal for an infant to go a few days without pooping, particularly in breastfed babies.  Very Well Family...

Birth Control And Breastfeeding – What You Should Know

Birth Control And Breastfeeding – What You Should Know

Are you a new mom who has heard the advice, “You don’t need birth control when you’re breastfeeding,”? Well, this is both true and false. Let’s get into the facts, and what you need to know about how birth control affects your breastmilk.  Is Breastfeeding A Form...

How To Know Whether Your Baby Has Reflux Or Gas

How To Know Whether Your Baby Has Reflux Or Gas

You’ve done everything: Your baby has been fed, burped, changed, and cuddled, and they’re still fussy. Unfortunately, newborns can’t tell you what’s wrong. What could be behind your little one’s fussiness is reflux or gas; and no, they aren’t the same thing.  So, what...

What To Do If Your Baby Is Sick

What To Do If Your Baby Is Sick

Your baby will most likely get sick. They don’t have the immunity yet to fight off illnesses, so colds and gastrointestinal infections will happen. This is a normal part of growing up, so you don’t have to worry too much.  Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, a pediatric...

How To Set Up Your Baby’s Nursery

How To Set Up Your Baby’s Nursery

When you’re pregnant, setting up the baby’s nursery is part of nesting - and it can be so exciting! Choosing a décor theme, shopping for super cute toys, and finding pictures for the walls is a lot of fun. But, while aesthetics are important, you’ve got to think about...

Four Tips For Teething

Four Tips For Teething

Teething is hard work – for parents and for babies! It’s painful for little ones and stressful for moms. If your baby is currently going through this, you may be asking, “How can I help and support my baby through teething?” When Does Teething Start?  Most babies...

How To Decode Your Fussy Baby

How To Decode Your Fussy Baby

Your baby is going to cry, no matter what you do. Crying is one of the ways that babies communicate and burn off energy. You are not a failure if your baby cries! But, do you know the difference between fussing and crying?  Decoding your fussy baby isn’t about...

A Self-Care Checklist For New Mamas

A Self-Care Checklist For New Mamas

Welcoming a newborn into your life is amazing ー and overwhelming! This new little life is dependent on you for everything. There are a lot of incredible moments of new motherhood, but there are also many challenging ones.  Breastfeeding, navigating sleep...

Meet Hillary

Hi! I’m Hillary, the Mama behind Baby Settler. These days you can find me with my four children and husband… probably outside, and helping Mama’s and families. I also have a lot of letters behind my name which translate, I’m also a Labor & Delivery nurse and Lactation Consultant.

Gauge Your Grasp On Feeding & Sleep Routines

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