After coming home with your new bundle of cuteness, you don’t just want to survive as a new mom, you want to thrive! Life with a newborn in those first few weeks is definitely challenging, but there are a few hacks you can put into practice to flourish in your new role as mom.
Prepare For Breastfeeding With A Breastfeeding Course
Getting your baby to latch correctly, knowing when to feed your baby and in what position, and learning their cues can be a lot to handle.
For seven tips for the first week of breastfeeding, click here.
Unfortunately, babies don’t come out of the womb knowing exactly how to latch, so those first few days with your newborn can be a lot of trial and error, resulting in stress.
One of the best things you can do to move past this overwhelming period is to prepare with a breastfeeding course.

Getting help from a lactation professional can come with the tips, tricks, and knowledge you need to start a successful breastfeeding journey with your newborn.
As a Labor and Delivery nurse and Lactation Consultant (as well as being a mom of three!), I recognize the struggles new moms go through trying to breastfeed their new baby, that’s why I created the Breastfeeding Made Simple Course.
Through this course, learn what to expect from breastfeeding at birth, understand growth spurts and developmental leaps, and learn how to extend nighttime sleep with breastfeeding.
Make Nighttime Diaper Changes Simpler
As their tummies are really tiny, your newborn is going to be waking you up during the night every few hours to feed. Sometimes after feeding, you’re also going to be changing their diaper.
Do yourself a favor and make sure those 2am changes are as simple as possible by:
- Dressing them in zip up PJs so that you don’t have to struggle with buttons.
- Having everything on-hand at your changing station (wipes, cream, new PJs, and, of course, clean diapers).
- Get extra absorbent nighttime diapers.

You don’t need to wake your baby to change their diaper – let them snooze! First Cry Parenting recommends using a nightlight, “Do not turn on bright lights at night during a diaper change. This could wake the baby up and also make it difficult for her to go back to sleep. Use a nightlight that is low enough to not wake the baby, but sufficient enough for you to change the diaper effectively.
Baby List has put together a list of the best nightlights for little ones.
Learn How To Swaddle Your Baby
Swaddling your newborn can help them sleep more comfortably and for longer; this is because it reminds them of being super safe and cozy in the womb.
There are a host of other benefits of swaddling your baby as The Baby Sleep Site explains, from reducing their anxiety and unnecessary wake-ups, to stopping them from scratching their face while they sleep.

Of course, it’s important to swaddle your newborn correctly and safely.
My top tips are:
- Make sure your baby can have their arms midline to their body.
- Choose swaddle fabric that is stretchy and secure.
- A swaddle with a zip can be very helpful for middle-of-the-night feedings.
Create A Care Pack For Yourself
There is no denying it – your life changes completely when you bring a newborn home. Waking up multiple times a night, having to feed your little one every few hours, and having them cry at you for everything they need takes its toll.
That’s why it’s so important to not forget to look after yourself!
If you have a partner or family member close by, hand things over to them so that you can get some me-time – there is nothing wrong with asking for help.

Having a care pack ready with some of your favorite things (and some much-needed items) can also be helpful.
Maternity underwear, nipple cream, and breast pads are all practical things that you’ll be happy you have on-hand.
Don’t forget about a few pick-me-ups, like your favorite tea, decadent chocolate, luxe hand creams, and your favorite snacks.
Get Out of The House
It’s easy to be in an at-home newborn baby bubble. Suddenly, you realize you haven’t left the house in three weeks and you’re feeling claustrophobic.
You don’t have to stay indoors when your baby. In fact, getting outside and enjoying some fresh air is good for both you and your newborn.
To start, take a short walk around your neighborhood with your little one. Just make sure to dress them for the weather so that they stay protected.

“Babies cannot cool themselves as well as adults and are more at risk of overheating. Dress your baby in minimal clothing on a hot day but make sure their arms and legs are covered to prevent sunburn,” explains Pregnancy, Birth & Baby.
Make sure to keep your baby out of direct sun. If it’s cold, wrap your baby up in an extra layer and blanket.
Are you pregnant and not completely ready to have a baby? I totally get it! That’s why I’ve put together the free mini-course, Prepare For Baby With These 3 Truths.
Learn exactly how to prepare before your baby arrives, and feel empowered, confident, and even more excited!
Register here.